Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Sunday, January 9, 2011





Tuesday, January 4, 2011



1. 用户必须在几秒钟知道网站是做什么的。注意力是因特网上最有价值的货币。 如果访问者无法在几秒钟之内得知你的网站的方向,他很有可能转而访问其他网站。 你必须迅速地告诉访问者为什么要在你的网站上花费时间。

2. 让网站易于速读。因特网不是书,因此没必要使用大段的文字。 也许我访问你的网站时我正在忙于其他工作,我不得不迅速读完所有内容。 项目符号、标题、副标题、列表,这些都能帮助读者迅速找到他想要的内容。

3. 不要使用难于阅读的花哨字体。当然,某些字体可以让网站精彩纷呈。 不过它们容易阅读吗?如果你的主要目的是传递信息并让读者阅读, 你应该让阅读过程舒服些。

4. 不要用小字体。如上一条所述,你得让读者阅读时感到舒服。 虽然我的Firefox有放大功能,但如果必须放大才能看清一个网站的话, 我就再也不会去访问它了。

5. 不要打开新浏览器窗口。我的第一个网站曾经经常这么做。 原因很简单,在新窗口中打开外部链接,用户就不必离开我的网站。 错!让用户决定如何打开链接,否则浏览器上大大的后退按钮就没必要存在了。 不用担心用户离开你的网站,在必要的时候他们会回来的。

6. 不要改变用户的浏览器窗口大小。用户有权控制自己的浏览器。 如果你改变窗口大小,你会在他们面前失去信用。

7. 不必要时不要让用户注册。直白地讲,我上网是为了获取信息,不是为了别的。 不要强迫我注册并留下我的电子邮件以及其他信息,除非特别必要(比如你 能提供的消息非常有价值)。

8. 不要在未经访问者同意的情况下为他们订阅电子杂志。 不要在访问者注册时自动给他们订阅电子杂志。 不请自来的邮件可不是个交朋友的好办法。

9. 不要过多使用Flash。Flash不仅会增加网站的读取时间, 过度使用甚至会让访问者感到不快。只有当静态页面无法表达你的意图时 才使用Flash。

10. 不要播放音乐。早些年Web开发者都喜欢在网站中集成音乐,结果他们失败了。 记住,永远不要使用音乐。

11. 当你必须使用声音时,让用户启动它。有时你必须使用声音文件, 比如你要给用户发送一份演讲,或者你的教程包含声音。这没问题,但要让用户来控制, 让用户点击“播放”按钮,别在打开网页的瞬间播放声音。

12. 不要让标志弄乱你的网站。社交网络和社区的标志会让你的网站看起来十分不专业。 就算是奖章和荣誉等标志也应当放到“关于我们”页面上。

13. 不要使用“点击进入”页面。用户访问到内容的步骤越少越好。 14. 注意要留下联系方式。最差的莫过于网站没有留下联系方式的了。 不仅对访问者不友好,而且对你也没好处,你会错过珍贵的反馈信息。

15. 不要影响“后退”按钮的动作。这是网站可用性的最基本的理念。 在任何情况下都不能影响“后退”按钮的动作。比如,打开新窗口会破坏它, 某些Javascript链接也会破坏它。

16. 不要用闪烁的文字。除非你的访问者来自1996年,否则别用闪烁文字。

17. 避免复杂的URL结构。一个简单的基于关键字的URL结构不仅能提高你的搜索引擎排名, 还能让访问者在访问之前了解网页内容。

18. 用CSS布局,不要使用表格。HTML表格曾经被用于页面布局, 但没有必要拘泥于此,尤其是在CSS诞生之后。CSS更快、更稳定, 并能提供更多的特性。

19. 保证用户可以搜索整个网站。搜索引擎带来因特网革命的原因,就是 它使得信息查找变得十分容易。别在你的网站上唱反调。

20. 避免使用下拉菜单。用户应当直观地看到所有导航选项。 下拉菜单会造成混乱,并且会隐藏访问者真正要找的信息。

21. 使用文字做导航栏。文字导航不仅速度快,而且更稳定。 例如,有些用户上网时会关闭图片。

22. 如果需要链接到PDF文档,一定要注明。你一定有过点击链接之后, 浏览器就像死掉一样等待Acrobat Reader启动,只为了打开一个(你不想看的)PDF? 这是个不小的麻烦,因此一定要在指向PDF的链接旁特别说明,使用户可以采取相应措施。

23. 不要用多种版本让访问者迷惑。你想用哪种带宽?56Kbps?128Kbps?Flash版还是HTML版? 嗨,我只想快点看到内容!

24. 不要在内容中混合广告。在内容中混合广告(如Adsense)也许会增加短期内的广告点击率, 但从长远角度来看,这会减少网站的人气。愤怒的用户会离开的。

25. 使用简单的导航结构。过犹不及。这个规则通常适用于人和选择上。 确保你的网站的导航结构单纯简洁。你不想让用户在查找信息时遇到麻烦吧?

26. 避免内容介绍。别强迫用户在访问到真正内容之前看某些东西。 这很令人愤怒,除非你提供的信息是用户必须的,否则他不会等下去。

27. 不要使用FrontPage。这一点也适用于其他廉价的HTML编辑器。 它们让页面设计变得更方便,但其输出结果将会非常低级,不兼容不同的浏览器, 并且会包含错误。

28. 保证你的网站兼容大部分浏览器。浏览器并不完全相同,在解释CSS和其他 语言的方法也相差甚远。不管你是否愿意,你应当让网站兼容市面上的常用浏览器, 否则你会永远地失去部分读者。

29. 保证在链接上添加有意义的文字。以前我经常犯这个错误。告诉人们“点击这里”很容易, 但这没有效果。要保证链接文字有意义。它使得访问者知道点击链接之后将出现什么, 也能为链接指向的外部站点带来SEO效果。

30. 不要在状态栏中隐藏链接。用户还必须能在状态栏中看到链接指向哪里。 如果你隐藏了链接(即使是由于其他原因),那么你也会丧失信誉。

31. 使链接可见。访问者应能轻易识别出哪些能点击,哪些不能。 确保链接的颜色有强烈的对比(标准的蓝色通常是最好的)。可能的话, 最好加上下划线。

32. 不要在普通文本上添加下划线或者颜色。除非特别需要,否则不要为普通文字添加下划线。 就像用户需要识别哪些能点击一样,他们不应当将本不能点击的文字误认为能够点击。

33. 改变访问过的链接的颜色。这一点对于提高网站可用性非常重要。 改变访问过的链接颜色有助于用户在网站中定位,确保他们不会不经意地 访问同一页面两次。

34. 不要使用动态GIF。除非你有需要动画的广告条,否则避免使用动态GIF。 它会使网站看上去很业余,并且会分散访问者的注意力。

35. 给图像添加ALT和TITLE属性。ALT和TITLE不仅会带来SEO效果,而且 对盲人有很大帮助。

36. 不要用令人不快的颜色。如果用户连续阅读10分钟后觉得头疼, 那么你最好选择别的配色方案。根据你的目的决定设计(例如,创造一种氛围 使得用户将注意力放在网站内容上,等等)。

37. 不要弹出窗口。这一点涉及任何种类的弹出窗口。即使用户要求使用, 弹出窗口也不宜使用,因为它会被弹出窗口拦截功能阻拦。

38. 不要使用Javascript做链接。远离那些点击之后执行一小段Javascript的链接, 它们经常给用户带来麻烦。

39. 在页面底部放置有意义的链接。访问者在找不到所需信息时通常会滚动到页面最底端。 作为最后的手段,你应当在页面底部放一个“联系我们”页面的链接。

40. 避免网页过长。如果用户老是需要滚动才能看到内容,他通常会采取的做法是 跳过它们。如果你的网站正好如此,那么应当缩短内容并优化导航结构。

41. 禁止使用水平滚动条。虽然垂直滚动条可以接受,但水平滚动条却远非如此。 现在的流行分辨率是1024×768,要确保网站能容纳在其中。

42. 禁止出现拼写或语法错误。这不是网站设计的错,但却是影响网站整体质量的重要因素。 确保链接和文字中没有拼写或语法错误。

43. 如果你使用图片认证,要保证能看清其字符。有些网站将图片认证作为对抗垃圾评论的方法, 或是在注册表单上使用。其中有个问题就是,用户经常需要叫上全家人来讨论图片上到底是什么字母

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Brand Your Business Online

Here are some ideas for branding your business online:

1. Protect Your Name. As an entrepreneur, your name is vital to your brand and the identity of your business. Be sure to secure a domain name in your name. It’s usually a good idea to register multiple domains in case someone types the wrong extension, so that you can be found despite the mistake. Network Solutions and GoDaddy are two places you can use to register a domain name.

2. Create a Founder Profile Page. Brand yourself on your Web site. Create a profile to build trust with potential clients. Make it easy for visitors to find info about you. Clients and prospects want to know who you are in terms of industry, experience, and personality. Personalize your Web site and share info to build a relationship with visitors to your site.

3. Prepare for the Future. Millions of people use mobile devices to connect to their business when they are out of the office. Make sure your Web site is accessible via these devices and will load quickly and easily. Even if your site is not yet formatted for .mobi, get the name. By registering a domain with a .mobi extension, you secure the name for your company.

4. Protect Yourself from Spam. Search bots troll the Web looking for e-mail addresses. This can lead to spam e-mails to your in-box. Protect your business e-mail box. Use e-mail addresses on your Web site like: contactus@domainname.com, media@mybusiness.com, or moreinfo@mybusiness.com.

5. Consider Joining LinkedIn or ZoomInfo. These popular social networking sites give you a free way to post a biographical profile. Be aware: Everything you post is public information. You give up some privacy when you post info. The sites can provide connections between people with similar interests and they add to search engine results for your name and your company name.

Update Your "Contact Us" Page

One element of website design that hasn’t evolved much over the years is the "Contact Us" page. Typically it’s just an address, phone number, and e-mail address accompanied by a static form asking for information. Take a look at your website statistics and check how many visitors click to your Contact Us page. Now check how many visitors actually fill out and submit the contact form. I’m guessing the number is negligible.

You need a way for someone to contact your company from your website, but it’s clear the generic catch-all static contact form doesn’t work as well as it could. You can do a couple of simple things to improve the chances that visitors will either submit a contact form or get the information they need if they prefer not to submit a form.

1. Offer a frequently asked questions document. Website visitors must need something or they wouldn’t have clicked to the Contact Us page. There is a good chance your FAQ document will provide the information they are looking for.

2. Don’t start with a form. Start with a list of possible reasons why someone may be trying to contact you. Someone who has a question about billing is more likely to engage if she can click a link that says, "Question about billing?" and is then taken to a form titled, "Let us help you with your billing question."

3. Offer the e-mail of a real person to contact (that is, if you are comfortable with it and able to do it). Would you be more likely to go to the trouble of sending an e-mail to info@acmewidgets.com or robert@acmewidgets.com?

A few simple changes to your Contact Us page will improve the chances your customers will actually use it. Customers want to be heard, and your business will benefit by listening to them.

Three Benefits of Adding Video to Your Website

Video used to be a nice add-on for an e-commerce site, a frill that companies could feature or not without obvious repercussions. That is no longer the case. Today, video is a must-have for e-businesses concerned with SEO [search-engine optimization], conversion rates, and brand identification—essentially any company with an online presence and intent to succeed.

Placing video on your website is a smart business practice. Here’s why:

1. Video makes your Web site sticky. Videos provide a dynamic, interactive experience for site visitors. By using videos, e-businesses can highlight promotions, provide tutorials, and show customers how products operate. The engaging nature of video encourages users to spend more time on a page, thereby increasing stickiness and ad revenues.

2. Interactive videos help you "upsell." Videos can convey more essential data in a shorter time. The viewer does not have to read long texts or jump between pages. Instead, he or she gets "fed" exactly the data you want to deliver. That’s not to say that video makes the user passive, however. Videos with clickable links direct users to appropriate pages in the website or to other video selections, providing additional opportunities for you to cross-sell and upsell.

3. Videos drive traffic. Search engines now offer video as part of integrated search results. With proper SEO, videos can drive traffic that might otherwise be directed elsewhere to your website instead

How Leaders Can Give Their People a "Hug"

I once conducted my own unofficial survey of colleagues, associates, and clients to find out what they value in a boss that would inspire, motivate, and make them more likely to follow a leader. In all the responses I garnered, no one mentioned words frequently associated with leadership, such as smart, visionary, or powerful. The two words that repeatedly showed up in people’s responses were communication and respect.

Leaders need to make people feel that their contributions are important, because they are. That’s not to suggest that we have to run around the office hugging people to show our appreciation, but there are ways to embrace people by how we communicate.

Treat everyone the same. When you make people feel equal, they are motivated to contribute and to respect everyone’s opinions and differences.

Be clear. If you are going to provide feedback, be specific so that people understand your expectations, what they need to work on, and if there are certain things you want them to do.

Let them hear it from you. Talk to people, not about them. If you have a problem with someone or want someone to do something differently, let them hear it from you so as to avoid second-guessing and misinterpretation.

Teach, don’t tell. Think about mentors you’ve had in your life. They led by showing and helping, not by intimidating people.

Admit mistakes. It’s natural to make corrections and point out mistakes, but don’t be afraid to admit your own errors as well. It makes you human.

Be approachable. Don’t forget where you came from and what it was like when you were getting started. Be real and approachable to motivate others.

Advancing your own agenda requires open, honest, and frequent communication that empowers others to succeed. This means encouraging two-way conversation at all levels.
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