Monday, November 22, 2010

my cousin sister's Wedding Dinner 我表姐的结婚喜宴

November 21, 2010, it was the wedding dinner of my cousin sister, i promised her to attend her wedding dinner so i went back to Mentakab purposely for the dinner and together with my ah jun. This was the first time she met my relatives, she saids she was so nervous, haha, i was the same as well, further forgot to introduce formally to each of my relatives, never mind, a lot of chances there.

The day we arrived to the restaurant a bit early, my mum and sis + all relatives became 'receptions' at the 'front counter' there ..haha...there should enough people for the receptionists, therefore, i sat down with Jun and play around her Iphone's camera, she forgot to bring her GF1 camera...

My dad talk with uncle...

Then my sis play around with her camera, 死自恋狂

Day dreaming

Abalone ...first time ate in the wedding dinner ..hohoho

Take pic with sis , and mum , (my sis became so tall already ???? almost the same height like me??? she was wearing high heel shoes la..buahha )

Way back to Puchong ~~~~


Anonymous said...

Wow...So sweet.Happy for both of u.
Faster plan with the others come to sg.We miss all of u (except Golden Flower)


Jun said...

Thanks...katty~~we miss all of u too~~plan to go sg ar? boss say no money o...:P ..but nvm, we can meet at jasleen wedding dinner..u will attend right?

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