Tuesday, August 17, 2010

见家长日 : The day Jun in Mentakab

Jun finally arrived my hometown Mentakab !! hohoho, i was getting excited because this is the first time, the my girl friend visited to my house and meet my family members. Of cause, both of us were so nervous on the few days before the Saturday, we had been discussed about what present should buy for my parents, not too expensive, but presentable. The chinese moon cake festival is getting nearer, we know we should buy some mooncake for them, however, mooncake was given to my parents one weeks before the day, therefore, mooncake should not be duplicate as a gift for the first time meeting.


In the final decision , Jun decided to buy some cookies as the first time meeting present for my parents, although this doesn't looks exclusive nor expensive, but this is not cheap. It cost around RM60-70 , bought from Sunday Pyramid. walao eh...however, this is not bad though.


The day was the first day i ever see my dad cook 'Fried crabs with salted eggs'


The crabs was alive... fresh and big ! We all had the lunch together ! hoho...


After rest awhile, we went to 'jalan jalan' at the town, and 'tasik Jatin' in Mentakab. Together with Yeekai ahhwa and xiao en.


The sapo ! the day was really happy for me ! cherish the moment always !!

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